Command List

You can interact with the Midjourney Bot on Discord by typing a Command. Commands are used to create images, change default settings, monitor user info, and perform other helpful tasks.



Get an answer to a question.


Easily blend two images together.


Toggle notification pings for the #daily-theme channel update


Use in the official Midjourney Discord server to quickly generate a link to topics covered in this user guide!


Writes four example prompts based on an image you upload.


Use in the official Midjourney Discord server to quickly generate a link to popular prompt craft channel FAQs.


Switch to Fast mode.


Shows helpful basic information and tips about the Midjourney Bot.


Generate an image using a prompt


View information about your account and any queued or running jobs.


For Pro Plan Subscribers: switch to Stealth Mode


For Pro Plan Subscribers: switch to Public Mode


Generate a personal link for a user's account page.


View and adjust the Midjourney Bot's settings

/prefer option

Create or manage a custom option.

/prefer option list

View your current custom options.

/prefer suffix

Specify a suffix to add to the end of every prompt.


Use an images Job ID to regenerate the Job within Discord.


Switch to Relax mode.


Toggle Remix mode.


/private (replaced with '/stealth') /pixels /idea

You can interact with the Midjourney Bot on Discord by typing a Command. Commands are used to create images, change default settings, monitor user info, and perform other helpful tasks.

Midjourney Commands can be used in any Bot Channel, on private Discord servers where the Midjourney Bot has been permitted to operate, or in a direct message with the Midjourney Bot.

Bot Channels are Discord channels where the Midjourney Bot has been permitted to process Slash Commands. On the official Midjourney Discord, all channels in the Newcomer Rooms, Thread Channels, Themed Image Gen, and General Image Gen categories are Bot Channels.

Last updated