Multi Prompts

It is possible to have the Midjourney Bot consider two or more separate concepts individually using :: as a separator. Separating prompts allows you to assign relative importance to parts of a prompt.

Multi-Prompt Basics

Adding a double colon :: to a prompt indicates to the Midjourney Bot that it should consider each part of the prompt separately. For the prompt space ship all words are considered together, and the Midjourney Bot produces images of sci-fi spaceships. If the prompt is separated into two parts, space:: ship, both concepts are considered separately, creating a sailing ship traveling through space.

There is no space between the double colons :: Multi-prompts work with Model Versions 1, 2, 3, 4, '5, niji, and niji 5 Any parameters are still added to the very end of the prompt.

space ship

Image of the Midjourney Prompt space ship

space ship is considered as a single thought.

space:: ship

Image of the Midjourney Prompt space::1 ship

space and ship are considered separate thoughts

cheese cake painting

Image of the Midjourney Prompt cheese cake painting

cheese cake painting is considered together, producing a painted image of a cheesecake.

cheese:: cake painting

Image of the Midjourney Prompt cheese:: cake painting

cheese is considered separately from cake painting, producing images of painted cakes made of cheeses.

cheese:: cake:: painting

Image of the Midjourney Prompt cheese:: cake:: painting

cheese, cake, and painting are considered separately, producing tiered cakes, made of cheeses with common classical painting compositions and elements.

Prompt Weights

When a double colon :: is used to separate a prompt into different parts, you can add a number immediately after the double colon to assign the relative importance to that part of the prompt.

In the example below, the prompt space:: ship produced a sailing ship traveling through space. Changing the prompt to space::2 ship makes the word space twice as important as the word ship, producing images of space that have ships as a supporting element.

[Model Versions] 1, 2, 3 only accept whole numbers as weights [Model Versions] 4, niji 4, niji 5, 5, 5.1, and 5.2 and can accept decimal places for weights Non-specified weights default to 1.

space:: ship

Image of the Midjourney Prompt space::1 ship

space and ship are considered as separate thoughts

space::2 ship

Image of the Midjourney Prompt space ship

space is twice as important as ship

Weights are normalized: space:: ship is the same as space::1 ship, space:: ship::1,space::2 ship::2, space::100 ship::100, etc. cheese::2 cake is the same as cheese::4 cake::2, cheese::100 cake::50 etc. cheese:: cake:: painting is the same as cheese::1 cake::1 painting::1, cheese::1 cake:: painting::, cheese::2 cake::2 painting::2 etc.

Negative Prompt Weights

Negative weights can be added to prompts to remove unwanted elements. The sum of all weights must be a positive number.

still life gouache painting

an image of a still life gouache painting made by midjourney using the prompt still ife grouach painting

a range of objects appear in the still life

still life gouache painting --no fruit

an image of a still life gouache painting made by midjourney using the prompt still ife grouach painting --no fruit

The still life has fewer fruits

The --no Parameter

The --no parameter is the same as weighing part of a multi prompt to "-.5" vibrant tulip fields:: red::-.5 is the same as vibrant tulip fields --no red.

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